About us

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Your french sales & marketing expert


With more than 20 years in sales and marketing working with various industries, we help you to penetrate the French market.

Whether you are a SaaS software vendor, an IoT manufacturer or a FinTech, we are your bridgehead in the French market.

Our knowledge of solution providers allows us to help companies to find the right vendor for a specific use-case.


Satisfied clients


Years of experience


Successful projects

Why choose ETFM?

20 years of experience
After working for years in several consulting and technology providers, we have been in touch with the major markets in France. We are aware of the main problematics vendors and companies are encountering and can go straight to the point.
Business oriented
We are business oriented, our only focus to reach your objectives on the french market!
A personalised approach
No global methods: we listen, we understand, we research, we localise, we measure, and we adapt
Success fees
We are open to work on a success fees' business model because we are confident in our common success

A word from company owner

Opening new markets has always been my focus!

I wanted to put my knowledge of the French market at the service of foreign technology companies wishing to address this market from abroad.

My deep understanding of the technical solutions and my ability to tackle business challenges allow me to adapt quick and act as if I were part of your own company.

I always liked to work in an international environment, by creating ETFM I joined all my passions: Tech, Market & Sales, International & Growth.

If you had the choice to hire blindly a sales representative and manage him from abroad or rely on a local senior consultant with a proven experience, what will you do?
On my side, I know what I would do!

Our objective: to have a real impact on your business in France!

Sébastien URIOS

B2B Marketing & Sales Expert / Serial Entrepreneur / ETFM founder

Sébastien Urios

We are proud to work with these companies