Exploring the Rise of Services in 2022: How french E-Commerce is Thriving

In 2022, French consumers spent 146.9 billion euros on e-commerce websites, a growth of 13.8% in the sector’s revenue YoY, according to the e-commerce and distance sales federation (Fevad), representing a 12.5% share of retail sales. This increase is attributed to inflation and the rise of the average basket, driven by the growth of services (+36%).

Decrease in product sales, increase in services In fact, product sales have decreased by 7%, and the number of transactions is not sufficient to explain the growth of nearly 14% as it is only up 6.5% to 2.3 billion. The slowdown in product sales, particularly visible in the first half of the year, is due to a post-covid base effect.

In detail, if we compare the revenues to 2019, before lockdowns, sales of consumer goods, in particular, increased 56%. Sales on marketplaces are slightly down compared to the previous year (-1.6%), but up 30% compared to 2019.

Increase in average basket On average, consumers spent 65 euros per order, up 6.9% compared to 2021. The growth of sales in the transportation, tourism, and leisure sector explains this result. The travel-tourism sector, in particular, increased 55% compared to 2021.

Cyber shoppers spent an average of 3515 euros on the internet in 2022, and placed more than one order per week. These figures are expected to continue to increase as younger generations order more on the internet than their elders. 12-15 year-olds make over half of their usual purchases on the internet, compared to 29.5% for the entire population, according to a survey conducted by Odoxa for Fevad.

The number of e-commerce websites continues to increase, with over 10,000 new merchant sites created in a year (+5%). The most visited are still Amazon, Leboncoin, and Vinted.

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